The Lavender fields have closed for 2024
Lavendula Angustifolia (English lavender)
We love English lavender! Vibrant color and a floral, somewhat fruity fragrance. Stems approximately 6 inches tall. English lavender produces a higher quality oil. Great for culinary uses like baking and tea and still works well in sachets, pouporris and crafts. These are our early season blooms.

First to bloom. Compact plants. Good hardiness. Bloom approx June 20-28
“Royal Velvet”
Striking dark bloom. Early to mid season blooms. Bloom approx June 25-July 5.
White lavender. Excellent oil quality. Fresh Cut only (no plants available) Blooms approx June 20-28

Lavendula intermedia (Lavandin)
These are the showstoppers in the lavender world. Tall stems that are great for bouquets, crafts and wands. High in oils and much more camphorous/menthol in nature. Great for drying (hang straight upside-down, do not place in water)
The standard lavender of the western USA. Very productive but needs to be protected in the winter. Blooms approx June 28-July 8
Easiest lavender to grow. Harvest mid to late. Blooms approx July 1-10
Large showy plants that are newer to our fields and looks promising. Plants available but no fresh cuts.
The French Standard. Huge plant, grows fast. Not winter hardy. Must be well protected in CT. Approx July 1-10.